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Pictures of Happiness

Wrestling has been a big part of my life, and has helped me develop character. The dedication, hard work ,training, and competition brought a feeling of achievement that brought great joy to me. 

My parents even though having some rough spots have always brought happiness to my life at one point or another. Having good times with them and learning from them is one of the most enjoyable things to do.

FBLA allowed me to travel places to compete in events. I enjoyed being able to travel different places with the group, pictured below is us at Disneyland. It was fun going to new places for a change of place traveling is something I still want to do in the near future.

My best friends Noah and Garrit, are the most dependable people I know. I appreciate them very much and they increase the experience of life by at least tenfold Its good to have genuine friends, and rare to find some such as these so we stick together.

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