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The Story of the Bros

There once were three friends who met in middle school,they became really close and considered each other brothers.But when high school came about they became somewhat distant from one another and started trying to find themselves. Throughout all the girls they messed with and the popularity they gained at school,they each felt a void something was missing. Out of all the new acquaintances they made only few actually understood them or actually cared about them the way they should have. Each of the bros was distraught but kept it hidden. Whenever they met up it was always a good time catching up on each others lives and telling other stories and just enjoying spending time together. One summer they met up and came to a realization, that they had always been willing to be there for each other and they needed to actually work to keep this relationship. By realizing real friendship would contribute to their happiness they have been able grow and thrive still to this day.

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